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Виконайте граматичні вправи на повторення матеріалу про вживання означеного і неозначеного артиклів. Exercise 1. Use articles if necessary.

1. What’s ... weather like today? - ... weather is fine. 2. ... teacher asked me many questions at ... lesson. ... questions were difficult. 3. My brother is doing his homework. ... homework was easy. 4. It is very dark in ... room. Turn on ... light, please. 5. This is ...dress you wanted to buy. 6. She is ... teacher you intended to talk to. 7. This is ... poem you have to learn for the next lesson. 8. ... diamond is ... most precious stone. 9. ... dolphin is considered to be ... cleverest animal on ...

Earth. 10. ... light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison. 11. Bill Robins was ... very rich man. He was ... richest man in ... village. 12. Pete is ... tallest boy in ... class. Nick is ... shortest boy, but he is very strong. I think Nick is ... strongest boy in ... class. 13. Which was ... most difficult exercise in ... test paper? 14. February is ... shortest month of the year. 15. ... weather is fine today. ... sky is blue, ... sun is shining brightly in ... blue sky. 16. ... Earth is ... planet. 17. ... President of the United States is elected every four years. 18. ... moon goes round ... earth every 27 days. 19. ... capital of Peru is Lima. 20. ... earth goes round ... sun. 21. ... giraffe is ... tallest of all animals. 22. ... whale is a mammal but it lives in ... sea. 23. ... ostrich is ... largest living bird. 24. ... piano is my favourite instrument. 25. John was ... only person I talked to at the party. 26. Write your name at ... top of ... page. 27. ... beginning of ... film was not very good. 28. My house is at ... end of ... street. 29. ... table is in ... middle of ... room. 30. Do you drive on ... left or on ... right in your country? 31. These books are not different. They are ... same. 32. I never listen to ... radio. 33. We don’t go to ... theatre very much these days. In fact, in ... town where we live there isn’t ... theatre. 34. Would you rather live in ... town or in ... country. 35. Don’t sit on ... ground! 36 man over there is collecting money for ... blind. 37. Why doesn’t ... government do more to help ... unemployed? 38. Robin Hood robbed ... rich and gave the money to ... poor. 39. ... next day, when they were in ... field, he shouted at ... top of his voice. 40. ... French are famous for their food. 41. France is to ... north of Italy. 42. I am ... oldest and my sister is ... youngest; she plays ... violin really well and wants to be ... professional musician. 43. My mother likes to play ... piano. She often plays ... piano in ... evening. 44. I like to read books in ... original. 45. ... more poems you learn, ... better memory you have.

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