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In ancient Greece athletes who became champions of the Olympic Games were regarded as heroes. Their fellow-citizens used to make a breach in a city wall to bring in their champion. Why did they do so?

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The Olympic Games, as we know them now, have a long history dating back to ancient times. It all started in the Peloponnese, Greece, about 3,000 years ago. Sports competitions were held in Olympia and got their name from the venue of the Olympic Games. No one knows exactly when they began, but the first written mention dates back to 776 BC. The Games were held in the same location every four years. This four-year period was called the Olympiad and was used as a reckoning system: time was measured in Olympiads, not in years. THE BIRTH OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES


Olympus is a high, rocky mountain in northern Greece, it was believed that the gods lived there. The history of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece is shrouded in legends and myths, but it is known for certain that they began to be held in Olympia, a town located in southern Greece, in the western part of the Peloponnesian Peninsula, in the region of Elis. According to one of the legend versions, the cruel god Kronos ruled there. For fear of dying at the hands of one of his children, he swallowed his newborn babies.

2. i can remember (feeling) very proud when 1 graduated. 3. i regret (to inform) you that you haven't been admitted. 4. i regret (not listening) to my mother's advice. she was right. 5. when he asked a question she always tried (to explain) everything. 6. he did everything to stop the baby (cry). he tried (feeding) him, he tried (burping) him, he tried (changing) his diapers. yet nothing worked. 7. she didn't like (being refused), although she wasn't very happy about (going) to this party. 8. i didn't like (to eat) the fruit as i wasn't sure whether it was fresh. 9. i like (listening) to pop music. 10. the car began (making) a very strange noise so i stopped (to see) what was wrong. 11. i entirely forget (to say) anything of the kind. 12. he forgot (to tell) me his telephone number, though i remember (asking) him about it. 13. i hate her (criticising) me the way she does. but i'd hate her (to think) that her criticism hurts me, so i just keep quiet. 14. although i usually prefer (being) frank to (being) secretive, yesterday i preferred (to keep) my opinion of jane to myself. 15. i know he loves (skating) and would love nothing so much as (to turn) a professional.

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