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Уровень А2. Надо выбрать правильное ли предложение или нет 1) I have a glass of water always first thing in the morning
•not correct

2) I love swimming but I manage to go to the pool only occasionally.
•not correct

3) I rarely eat meat these days and have come to prefer vegetarian food
•not correct

4) We get the chance hardly ever to meet up these days as we’re all so busy
•not correct

5) The train from my local train station to the city runs hourly.
•not correct

6) I can sometimes see the mountains from my garden on a clear day
•not correct

7) I occasionally might go for a walk in the park after work
•not correct

8) I have seldom been to the U.S.A. but I would love to finally go there one day
•not correct

9) The buses run frequently outside my office; around every 15 minutes during the week
•not correct

10) I finish work generally at 5.30 pm.
•not correct

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