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Поставь глаголы из скобочек в Present Simple (утверждение). Переводи текст, чтобы понимать, о чём идёт речь. Emperor penguins a (live) live in the Intarclic. The sea b (provide wil duir load, we they are good swimmers. They (dive) under the water and o Chold) their breath for up to 20 minutes. When the weather is very cold the penguins (send) groun This keep) them warm The Emperor is the only penguin that bree). 10 vinter 2 Antarctica. Each female day, one egg in May or Jure They then (return) lect Parli male then stand! with an egg on his leet. His teet keep the ete war ile sleep most of the me and rescat no duod for about 65 days, улетіне енула helemy ome back and Clinda hermateow the lenniested) the youn: Dengan maten Tenger w the morir h lama and the chick then both parents took after

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Tony is playing football with Steve.


Популярно: Английский язык