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1. What sports are you good at?

2. What games do you like?

3. When do you usually do sports?

4. What is your friend's favourite kind of sport?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)I am good at football

2) I like football and basketball

3) I usually do sports at weekends

4) Friend's favorite kind of sport is hokey

1. I'm good at swimming.
2. I like basketball and volleyball.
3. Usually I do sports after school on Wednesday and Friday.
4. My friend 's favorite kind of sport is

1i have got a musical instruments such as; guitar,piano and something like these. 2i have got a big family. 3today,  i have got the big number of subjects like; maths,liturature,mother tongue and so on. 4 she has got many dresses. 6. they have three flats in this city.

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