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Eyesight pre-lab questions: ау Th of d 1. What is the importance of eye and why we should take care of it? 2. Which eye structure determines a person's eye colour? Methods and materials: Sivtsev table, tape-measure. 3. What are similarities of eyes and camera? Procedures: Print Sivcev table on three A4 papers on landscape orientation. Put it on the wall. 10th line of the table should be on the level of your eyes illuminate the table with the lamp. Stand 5 meters away from the table. Close one eye and read which letters, aren't there many rows on the table. if you do not see the letter come closer for 0.5 meters. Repeat until you see the Measure your eyesight using formula: letter. V=d/D where, V - eyesight d - distance, when you see the letter D - distance, where you started the measurement Results: d D V Postlab questions: 1. Describe the path of light passing through the eye to retina? 2. How do eyes take nutrients? 3. Why do human have two eyes?

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В)найбільший серед супутників у порівнянні зі своєю планетоюдіаметр луни  лише в 3,6 раза меньше діаметра землі, а маса  менша    у  81 раз.для порівняння, найбільший  супутник  сонячної системи  - супутник  юпітера - за діаметром менший у  28 раз, а його маса у 12 тисяч разів меньше своєї планети.

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