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Как произносить? Ukraine is situated in the east of Europe. It is washed by the Black sea and the sea of Azov. The population of our country is 37 million people. The Dnipro is the main river of the country. Hoverla is the highest mountain. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. The head of the country is the president. The flag of Ukraine is blue and yellow.

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украйн им ситуйтед ин тзе еаст оф Европе

Юкраин из ситуэйтид ин ве ист оф Юроп. Юкраин бордерс он Раша, Беларус, Поланд, Молдова, Словакиа, Хангари энд Роуманиа. Итс уошд бай ве блэк си анд ве си оф азов анд хэз вери импотант портс. Юкраин хэз ве карпрэвианс анд ве краймеан маунтанз. Ве популейшн оф аур кантри из эбаут 46 миллион пипл. Ве кэпитал оф Юкраин- Киев.

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film as dream, film as music. no art passes our conscience in the way film does, andgoes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.- bergman, ingmar (famous director and producer)

for me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake.- hitchcock, alfred






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