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.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. When he (return), I (give) him the key. He (be) ready as soon as you (be). She (be) delighted when she (hear) this When it (get) cold, I (light) the fire. She (have to) behave better when she (go) to school He (be) here before you (go). (he/ring) us up when he (arrive) in England? He (wash) up before he (go) to bed. I (give) the children their dinner before he (come) home. I (pay) you as soon as I (get) my check. I (buy) that house when I (have) enough money. When the Queen (arrive), the audience (stand) up. When the fog (lift), we (be able) to see where we are. As soon as the holidays (begin), this beach (become) very crowded. As soon as she (learn) to type, I (get) her a job. Look before you (leap). (proverb) Don’t count on salary increase before you actually (get) it. When winter (begin), the swallows (fly) away to warmer countries. When I (finish) the book, I (lend) it to you. When you (open) the safe, you (see) a small black box.

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Ответы на вопрос:

When he returns, I will give him the key. He will be ready as soon as you are. She will be delighted when she hears this. When it gets cold, I will light the fire. She will have to behave better when she goes to school. He will be here before you go. Will he ring us up when he arrives in England? He will wash up before he goes to bed. I will give the children their dinner before he comes home. I will pay you as soon as I get my check. I will buy that house when I have enough money. When the Queen arrives, the audience will stand up. When the fog lifts, we will be able to see where we are. As soon as the holidays begin, this beach will become very crowded. As soon as she learns to type, I will get her a job. Look before you leap. (proverb) Don’t count on salary increase before you actually get it. When winter begins, the swallows will fly away to warmer countries. When I finish the book, I will lend it to you. When you open the safe, you will see a small black box.


1) jack, a truck driver, was driveng 100 penguins to the new york zoo. on the freeway his truck suddenly broke down.(потмоу что действие было в прошлом, оно случилось внезапно, резко, одним моментом)

2) jack got out of the car. he was looking at the engine when another truck stopped by. (потму что он совершал какое-то длительное дейсвтие, то есть долго смотрел, когда случилось другое резкое одномоментное)

3) the second truck driver, peter, asked if his colleague needed any help. jack wxplained that he was taking the penguins to the zoo and asked if peter could take the penguins to the zoo. peter agreed.( принадлежность - "его голлеги")some hours later, the peter drove past jack, who was still waiting on the freeway for help to come.

4) the penguins, however,   are still in the truck! ( потому что множемтвенное число - пингвины.в настояем времени, они все еще там)

5) "i thought i asked you to take those penguins to the zoo," shouted jack. peter replied, "i did, but i had some money left, so we're going to the cinema now. ( множественное число слвоа   that)

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