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Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect. Add for or since. They(not / repair) the stairs last summer! *
(Alice / live) in the same house she was born? *
We (have) this cat a few days. It’s still afraid ofeveryone. *
I’m very busy this week. I (not / have) time to do my housework Monday. *
(the Greens / be) your neighbours ten years? *
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in CAPITALS and for or since.
My mum got this sofa for Christmas.HAD *
I met Stuart three months ago. KNOWN *
The last time I saw him was at lunchtime.HAVEN’T *
Mrs Ellis sold this terraced house a long time ago.HAD *
When did you and Isabel become friends? LONG *

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) They haven't repaired ... since

2) Have Alice lived ... since

3)have had ... for

4) haven't had ... since

5) Have Green been ... for

My mum have had this sofa for Christmas

I've known Stuart for three months

I have hadn't seen him since lunchtime

Mrs Ellis has had this house for a long time

Isabel and I have become friends long time ago

Aprile, august, december,  february, january, jule, june, march, may, november,  october, september

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