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(be) unknown (mark) (celebrate) his 3 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. It is a bit ironic that the royal date of birth which 1) (commemorate) by the British to historians for so many years 2) monarchs to this day. Future King Henry IV was born on Maundy Thursday in 1367. It was such an important day in the Christian calendar that his birthday 3) on Maundy Thursday, not on the actual date of birth. The holiday on which Henry IV was born was a moveable one so each year he 4). birthday on a different date. When he 5) - (mark) his fifteenth birthday, (give) gifts to fifteen poor people starting the current Maundy tradition of giving gifts according to the monarch's age. Before him kings and other members of the royal family 7) – (make) Maundy Thursday donations to 13, 50 or 200 poor people. By 1388, his wife as well as his sons 8) up the tradition. Thus, when Henry V 9) (crown), Maundy Thursday 10) (already / become) a sort of 'official birthday' for the king. he 6) (take)

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In the 8th class, at the lesson of kazakh literature, we discussed our language. our opinions were divided, and we began the debate. one side said that people can communicate in both kazakh and russian and english. and the other said that people should communicate in their native language, because now many people do not know their native language. it was my turn to say, i wanted to tell them that people can communicate in any language, because our country is developing. and it will help them abroad, too, because they will know the language. and english will help me when i go abroad. i wanted to convey this thought, but i could not. i began to get nervous and could not find the words, i began to get confused and stutter, and it seemed that everyone looked at me like an idiot, i became uncomfortable. without finishing my thought, i sat down in my place. insecurity in itself is the most important enemy

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