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Listeners Panic During The War of the Worlds Oct 31st, 1938 V a f S m Thousands leave their homes to escape 'aliens from Mars'! Hysteria gripped radio listeners last night when a dramatisation of H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds made them believe an alien invasion had started in New York. The broadcast was made by Orson Welles' The Mercury Theatre on the Air over station WABC and the Columbia Broadcasting System's coast-to- coast network, from 8 to 9 o'clock. At least twenty adults required medical treatment for shock and hysteria. Families rushed out of their houses with wet handkerchiefs and towels over their faces to escape from what they believed was to be a gas raid. Throughout New York families left their homes, some to flee to near-by parks. Thousands of persons called the police and there were traffic jams all over the state, The radio play was presented as a real radio program and some listeners missed the introduction, which clearly stated that it was a work of fiction. анализировать текст

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