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Megan told Derek then that she had been testing him. – Меган сказала Дереку, что испытывала его.

San Marino noted that interest in the rational use of natural resources had been growing. – В Сан-Марино заявили, что интерес к рациональной эксплуатации природных ресурсов все возрастал.

When Alan came back, he looked as if he had been shedding tears. – Когда Алан вернулся, похоже было на то, что он всплакнул.

The woman, who had been strolling towards Jennifer, seemed surprised. – Женщина, которая направлялась к Дженнифер, казалась удивленной.

Jim found that Lisa had been trying to get their son to talk French. – Джим узнал, что Лиза пыталась обучить их сына говорить по-французски.

It was late when the doctors found out what medicine had been killing people. – Было уже поздно, когда врачи догадались, какое лекарство убивало людей.

The old farmer began ransacking his brain to recall where he had been walking during the day. – Старый фермер стал припоминать, куда ходил в течение дня…

It was their first meeting since Alex had been lying wounded. – Это была их первая встреча с тех пор, как Алекс лежал раненый.

Mirks saw an incredible animal that had been chasing him. – Миркс увидел невероятное животное, которое преследовало его.

If we continued on the path we had been treading, it would lead us to totalitarianism. – Если бы и дальше продвигались по данному пути, он бы привел нас к тоталитаризму.

hour before I came. – Она готовила лимонный пирог в течение часа перед тем, как я пришел. (я пришел – момент в , до этого момента она один час готовила пирог)

By the time she woke up, her husband had been fixing the car for 2 hours. – К моменту, когда она проснулась, ее муж чинил машину два часа

There were puddles in the street. It had been raining at night. – На улицах были лужи. Ночью шел дождь. (мы не застали момент, когда дождь шел, но мы видели результат – лужи)

I had been talking on the phone for half an hour when he entered the room. – Я разговаривал по телефону в течение получаса, когда он вошел в комнату.

He had admired her talent for all his life. – Он восхищался ее талантом всю жизнь.

He hadn’t been riding a bike since he was a child. = He hadn’t ridden a bike since he was a child. – Он не ездил на велосипеде с тех пор, как был ребенком

I had been typing this text for 2 hours and then found it on the Internet.

Я набирал этот текст два часа, а потом нашел его в Интернете.

I had been waiting for his airplane for 2 hours when it was announced about delay.

Я ждал его самолет уже два часа, когда объявили о его задержке.

Scotland is a country in the north of great britain. it is a part of the united kingdom. scotland is divided into three natural regions: the southern uplands, the central lowlands and the highlands and islands. a lot of places in scotland are a natural paradise, still untouched by man. the capital of scotland is edinburgh, well known for its castle. glasgow is the industrial capital of scotland. it is the third largest city in great britain. the typical products of scotland are timber, whisky, salmon. golf is the scottish natural sport and it seems to have originated in this country. scotland is also the land of myths and mysteries; every castle has its ghost. glamis castle is said to have nine of them. and of course everyone knows about the loch ness, monster. "nessie" is said to be about six meters long, with a long, thin neck. the first report of the monster in loch ness was in 565 a.d. since 1934 thousands of people claimed to they had seen the monster. scientists have investigated the loch and taken pictures but no scientific explanation of the mystery has been given.

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