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Раскрыть скобки в правильной форме 1. Dorothy told us (to go) and (to see) what the workmen do) at our new house. 2. Dorothy's mother (to plan) for several months to build a house on a plot of land on the same street that they (to live) on at that moment, but farther down. The contractor (to be) at work only a few days. 3. Ethel remarked that he just (to finish) staking off the ground when she (to be) there the other afternoon. 4. Dorothy (to report) as they (to walk) on that he (to be) way ahead of that then. 5. She also stated that she (to be) sure that the workmen (to dig) the whole cellar by that afternoon and they (to begin) to put in the concrete wall. 6. As they (to approach) the place which they (to call) "our house lot" for several months, they (to see) that the gravel for the concrete (to be) hauled to the top of the hill where the bags of sand and cement already (to be) unloaded and a small concrete mixer set up. 7. "They (to do) things fast, ( ) they?" exclaimed Dorothy. 8. Mr. Anderson, the contractor, (to bow) to them as they (to reach) the top of the hill. 9. He asked Dorothy pleasantly if she (to come) to superintend them. 10. He also explained that they (to make) all their preparations for mixing the concrete that day, and then they (to start) up the machine the following day.

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. My sister can't walk ten kilometres.

5. Where can we buy new trainers?

6. Out teacher can't find our homework.

7. A: Can you do exercises?

B: No, I can't.

8. They can't help us.

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