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2 Read the sentences. Circle the correct answer a, b, or c. 1 My dad's job is dangerous, but he loves it. He's a/an bfirefighter c tour guide a architect 2 Hannah did well in her exams. She good marks for everything! a got 3 Who a does 4 Did you I copy them? a do b did c made breakfast in your family? b helps c makes notes in Maths today? Can b take c revise Teaching isn^ prime t an easy job, it's very 5 a challenging b boring c well-paid 6 I have to hand my homework tomorrow. a in 7 Do you today? b on c of finish your science project b has to c have touch the cooker. 8 Be careful! You It's very hot! a have to a must b mustn't c don't have to 9 You start revising soon - you've got exams next week! a don't have to b must c mustn't 10 She didn't go out last night. She after her little brother. a has to b didn't have to c had to 11 I skateboard when I was a teenager, but I can't now! a couldn't b could c had to 12 A: My sister missed the school bus yesterday. B: Did she a have to walk to school? b has to c had to 13 You copy your friend's homework. It isn't a good idea! a should b shouldn't c need to 14 A: I haven't got anything to wear tonight! B: What about this T-shirt? c wearing a wear b to wear 15 In my opinion, this dress is not smart enough. you wear the red one? b Why don't a Why c Why not look

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ididn't have english last term/ i didn't play computer games. she didn't go to the party. we didn't watch tv. when did  you have breakfast yesterday? what did  you read  in the evening? where did  she go yesterday?

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