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: Я бы хотела рассказать вам о моем питомце.У меня есть собака.Его зовут Брюлик.Ему 5 лет.Он оранжевого цвета.Он любит есть корм и мясо,гулять и играть.Он не любит больше всего мыться.Главные черты его характера:игривость,настойчивость и преданность.Я очень люблю своего питомца!

большое кто или прочитает,я буду это очень ценить

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Ответы на вопрос:

Очень хорошее  , краткое сочинение Ты умничка)

I would like to tell you about my pet. I have a dog. His name is Bryulik. He is 5 years old. He is orange. He likes to eat dog food and meat, he likes going on walks and playing. He doesnt like taking baths. His main characteristics are that he's playful, persistence and loyalty. I really like my pet!


1they left for moscow.didn't they leave for moscow? yes, they did. no, they didn't.2 he has finished his work.hasn't he finished his work? yes, he has. no, he hasn't.3 she will visit us on sunday.won't she visit us on sunday? yes, she will. no, she won't.4 she has many relatives.doesn't she have many relatives? yes, she does. no, she doesn't.5 his father works here.doesn't his father work here? yes, he does. no, he doesn't.  6 you know his address.don't you know his address? yes, i do. no, i don't.7 we shall go home together.shan't we go home together? yes, we shall. no, we shan't.8 he can play chess.can't he play chess? yes, he can. no, he can't.  9 i am listening to you.aren't i listening to you? yes, i am. no, i am not.10 his friends were playing football.weren't his friends playing football? yes, they were. no, they weren't.11 you have done the task.have you done the task? yes, you have. no, you haven't.

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