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Составьте любые 10 предложений с present perfect

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Have you ever been in Greece? — Вы были когда - нибудь в Греции.

2. We have already seen this film. — Мы уже смотрели этот фильм.

3. I have never read such books. — Я никогда не читал таких книг.

4. My father has been an honorable gentleman. — Мой отец был благородным джентльменом.

5. We have not heard anything about that story. — Мы ничего не слышали об этой истории.

6. Pete has already done all his homework. — Пит уже сделал всё домашнее задание.

7. The apples haven’t ripened yet. — Яблоки еще не поспели.

8. Our parents have been in Africa several times. — Наши родители были в Африке несколько раз.

9. Since I have known this girl she has always helped people. — Сколько я знаю эту девушку она всегда людям.

10. My dad has always been interested in politics. — Мой папа всегда интересовался политикой

1. I have done all my homeworks already.

2. Bill and Helen have been marriaged recently!

3. My father has just come from his work.

4. My sister hasn't cooked dinner for our family yet.

5. Kavin hasn't graduated university yet.

6. I have already taken 5 exams from math by now.

7. By the time, I graduated 2 colleges and 2 universities!

8. My grandparents have died already. I live with my parents!

9. Have you seen Trump who was the president of USA?

10. Have you ever been to Italy?


1 Those are mice.-Там мыши.

2 Today we have five lessons.-Сегодня у нас 5 уроков.

3 There are buses near the museums.-Возле музеев автобусы.

4 What are the children's names?-Как зовут ребят?

5 Those aren't geese.-Там не гуси.

6 These men are my uncles.-Эти мужчины мои дяди.

7 They are sheep.-Это овцы.

8 My teeth are white.-Мои зубы белые.

9 These shoes are too large for my feet.-Эти туфли слишком велики для моих ног.


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