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Type the missing words in sentences.There is one of the most famous Viktor Vasnetsov's pictures in the Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. They are Russian bogatyrs. tlya Muromets On the left, on the white horse there is Dobrynya Nikitich. On the right, there is Alyosha Popovich. In background of the painting there are hills covered with trees

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Введите пропущенные слова в предложениях.В "Никитиче, Илье Муромце и Алеше Поповиче" есть одна из самых известных картин Виктора Васнецова. Это русские богатыри. Илья Муромец Слева, на белом коне - Добрыня Никитич. Справа - Алеша Попович. На заднем плане картины изображены холмы, покрытые деревьями

My room has a huge bed. on the bed i have two large soft pillows. beside the bed stands a chest of drawers, and on the other side of the ironing board and iron. in the next room i have the bathroom, where i have a towel and a special hanger for towels, in the corner of the bathroom is the washing machine for washing up clothes, and tide unhide all over the floor. when my brother makes a mess in the kitchen, then i go to wash the dishes for him.

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