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Ориентир дам первое задание начинается с: 1) You mustnt/dont have to bring a dog here

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Ответы на вопрос:

Вопрос1. they always go together to school.вопрос 2 when did you go to the cinema? вопрос 3did   you come from spain last month? вопрос 4 … you … … school … tuesday? were, onвопрос 5 … book … very interesting.this, wasвопрос 6. … … we … in england.last june, wereвопрос 7 our students … learn english … year.didn’t, last вопрос 8 … … here yesterday? who cameвопрос 9 my husband … work … there.: didn’t, вопрос 10 … … the blackboard please.look at вопрос 11 i often … to see ann in the evening.came вопрос 12 … she often … … here … last year? did, come, вопрос 13did you do your homework yesterday? вопрос 14 nick … go … school … monday.didn’t, to, on вопрос 15 … the book … your bag? is, inвопрос 16.did ann do well at school last month? вопрос 17 tom … go to school. he … sick.didn’t, wasвопрос 18 … … you do … the weekend? what, did, at вопрос 19 ann … … and … … .came in, sat downвопрос 20 we … … … our homework … here., didn’t often do, вопрос 21did she learn english last year? вопрос 22 … ann … the country … summer? was, in, lastвопрос 23 tom … … and … … the room.stood up, went out ofвопрос 24 … … he do yesterday? what didвопрос 25 we were   in spain 2 years ago.

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