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, Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки поставив инфинитивы данных глаголов в нужную грамматическую форму (спряжение, число, время).
1. If you (heat)
water to 100 degrees Celsius, it (boil)
2. When it (rain)
a lot the ground (become)
very wet.
3. If I (finish)
work earlier 1 (phone)
to us, if he (feel)
4. Tom (come)
5. 1 (can)
give a lift as soon as I (get)
6. If you (heat)
ice, it (melt)
2 by 3 it (to be)
7. If you (multiply)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  what_  colour is your new _ hat? — it's _red. 2. is there a refrigerator in your _ kitchen? 3. where is  the  refrigerator in your _  kitchen? — it is in the corner of the kitchen.4. there are _ flowers in our _ living room. the  flowers are in a beautiful vase.5. i have _ tea in my _ cup.6. he has no _ coffee in his _ cup.7. what _ book did you borrow from the library on _tuesday? 8. i have _ books, _ exercise books and _ pens in my _ bag.9. i am an engineer. i work at an office. i go to the office in the morning. as the office is far from the house i live in, i take a bus to get there.10. what _ bus do you take to get to _ work? 11. whose _ pen is this? 12. what _ colour is your _ new _t-shirt? — it's _ white.13. she is going to a music shop to buy a cassette. — what _ cassette is she going to buy? 14. that's the man whose _ computer was stolen last night. 27. here is a large window. through the window we can see  a  room. opposite the window there is a door. on the door there is a curtain. in the corner of the room there is a round table. on it we can see _ books and a  telephone. there is a bookshelf over the table. on the bookshelf we can see _ newspapers and a book by _ jack london. there are _ two _ pictures in the room. one _ picture is small, the other picture is very large. there are _ two bookcases in the room. the bookcases are full of _ books. there is a large sofa in the room. on the sofa we can see a bag. whose _ bag is that? there is no _ bed in the room. on a small table near the window there are _  flowers and a glass of _ water. in _ front of the window we can see an armchair.

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