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Which book and film genres suit you best? 1 You've had a long day. What do you enjoy doing most? a Reading my favourite book. b Going for a run. Watching a DVD with friends. 2 Which best describes your bedroom? a Messy. There are posters, photos of friends and a lot of things everywhere. b There's a bed, a desk, It looks like any other bedroom. c Quite tidy. Only my desk is a mess. 3 Which quality do you value most? a imagination b intelligence c humour 4 Which school subject do you prefer? a history b maths languages 5 What job would you like to do? a I want to do something creative. b I wouldn't like to do the same job all my life. c I'd like to work with people. 6 Which statement best describes you? a I'm a day dreamer' . I enjoy doing unusual things. b I'm a 'get up and go' person. I like being busy. c I'm a 'people person'. I hate being alone. KEY Mostly a: Mystery and fantasy are your favourite genres. You like reading horror stories and watching science fiction films. You don't mind watching westerns. Mostly b: Adventure and drama are your favourite genres. You enjoy reading thrillers and you love watching war films. Mostly c: Comedy and romance are your favourite genres. You like reading cartoon stories, but you prefer watching musicals.

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Ответы на вопрос:

можно ответ

1.) a

2) b

3) c

4) a

5) a

6) c

Вот ответ

Чтобы понять, когда нужно ставить Present Continious, нужно обратить внимания на такие слова сигналы как 'now' (сейчас), 'at the moment' (в этот момент), которые показывают, что действие происходит прямо в момент речи. Present Simple используется, когда действие происходит постоянно или регулярно.

1. I am sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's now.

2. I am not wirking in my office now.

3. Eric is talking about his holiday plans, but Kenny is not listening to him. He is thinking about his new car at the moment.

4. My friend lives in St. Petersburg.

5. My cousing doesn't live in Moscow.

6. The children are not sleeping now.

7. The children play in the yard every day.

8. They don't go to the stadium on Monday.

9. She reads in the evening.

10. She doesn't read in the morning.

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