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Интересные факты о канаде на английском языке

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31% of Canada is taken up by forests.

31% территории Канады занимают леса.

20% of the world’s fresh water is in Canada.

20% пресной воды в мире находится в Канаде.

Canada has more lakes than all other countries combined.

В Канаде больше озер, чем во всех других странах вместе взятых.

There are 1,453 airports in Canada.

В Канаде 1453 аэропорта.

About 2 km under Sudbury, Ontario is the world’s deepest underground lab, SNOLAB.

Около 2 км под Садбери, Онтарио, находится самая глубокая в мире подземная лаборатория SNOLAB.

Canada has the longest coastline of any country in the world.

Канада имеет самую длинную береговую линию в мире.


Canada is located in the northern hemisphere and is part of North America. It's north of the United States.

Most people live within 200 km of the US border. And most of the population lives in urban centers.

Most of Canada is uninhabited - only 3.7 people per square kilometer. (For reference, the United States has about 35 people per square kilometer.)


The first national park in Canada was Banff National Park, established in 1885. Three years after the creation of the world's first national park in the United States (Yellowstone National Park)

Canadian national parks are huge, and the country's 30 national parks are more than many countries!

Wood Buffalo National Park is the second largest national park on earth. Located between Alberta and the Northwest Territories, it was created to allow bison to

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