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Ex. 5. Translate phrases, paying attention to the circumstances oftime. (from 5 till 7 yesterday in the evening; when smb. came) they were discussing
about bills, he was regulating conduct, she was watching TV programme, we were
buying goods; she was driving a car; he was formulating the law.
Ex. 6. Make up sentences using the following phrases:
1. To take different examinations to qualify.
2. To do different types of legal work.
3. To give legal advice.
4. To make all the legal arrangements.
5. To vary widely.
6. To structure legal education.

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Ответы на вопрос:

  1.do you go to a public or a state school? i go to a state school. - я хожу в государственную школу.

2. do you boys and girls study together? yes, they do. our  boys and girls study together. да. девочки и мальчики учатся вместе.

3.do you go home or stay at school after classes? - usually i  go home after classes  but twice a week i stay at school because of my sport activities. обычно после уроков я иду домой, но два раза в неделю я остаюсь в школе из-за спортивных занятий.

4.how many classes a day do you have? - as a rule we have 5 or 6 lessons a day. как правило у нас 5 или 6 уроков в день.

5.do you have to wear a uniform? - yes, i do. i  have to wear a uniform but i hate it and i prefer to wear jeans and t-shirts. да, приходится.   мне приходится носить школьную форму, но я ненавижу ее, и я предпочитаю носить джинсы и футболки.

6.what foreign languages are you learning? i learn english as a  foreign language. я изучаю как иностранный язык.

7.what"s your favourite subject?   my favourite subject is history. - мой любимый предмет .

8. how many floors are there in your school? there are three floors in my school. в нашей школе три этажа.

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