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Составить 5 предложений (You, We, They, He, She) с everybody, every, everywhere, everything, everyone

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1) Do you go to the theater every day? (Ты каждый день ходишь в театр?)

2) We are everybody happy to see you (Мы все рады тебя видеть)

3) They put mouse traps everywhere (Они везде ставят мышеловки)

4) She invited everyone to her birthday (Она позвала всех на свой день рождения)

5) everything hinges on his decision (все зависит от его решения)


You are stupid.

We are clever.

They are hungry.

He is mad.

She is handsome.

Everybody bless you.

How many lines do you write every day?

Everywhere you look, you can see young lovers kissing.

Everything is in our hands.

Almost everyone was late this morning.


Meet somebody new

Travel to a different country

Get married

Get a lot of money

Fall in love

Become famous

Get a new job

Move to a new house


Популярно: Английский язык