Есть ответ 👍

. Вставьте пропущенное(ые) слово (а)

1) He to hospital but he should be here soon. (один вариант ответа)
А) has been
Б) has gone

2) Everyone of them got to the hospital. (несколько вариантов ответа)

А) has
Б) have
В) is
Г) are

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. visited (past simple) 2. saw,  touched, learnt  (-ed)  (past simple) 3. have (present simple) 4. didn't (question tags) 5. leave 6. fed  (past simple) 7.  whats -? ("watched", you probably made a mistake)  (past simple) 8. took  (past simple) 9. rode  (past simple) 10. collected  (past simple) 11. had  (past simple) 12. was  (past simple) 13. have (i don't know how to change "to be" in this situation. as i see it, 'have' is the most suitable word here) (present perfect) 14. been  (present perfect) 15. will take (future simple, i suppose). some words in the text are written wrong. некоторые слова в тексте написаны неправильно. i've also  designated the  tense or rule (in  brackets). я также указала время или правило (в скобках). добра тебе! i  wish you goodness!

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