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Name five animals that... Can you think of five animals for each number below? Name five animals that...

1. live in the ocean.

2. move slowly.

3. have wings..

4. don't have a backbone.

5. live on land.

6. have fur.

7. have scales.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. jellyfish, seals, walruses, octopuses, crabs.

2.snail, turtle, koala, seahorse, slugs,

3. Raven, Eagle, Nightingale, Sparrow, Tit,

5.tiger, fox, hare, deer,

a lion

6.mink, marten, sable, polecat, ermine.

7.hippo, elephant, panda, rhino, blue whale


1. Dolphin






7. Fish

1) be careful! the train (is approaching – present continuous active) the station! 2) he appeared on the platform just as the train (was pulling out – past continuous active). 3) brazilian railways (will be investing – future continuous active) in computer technologies. 4) this line (is being used – present continuous passive) for transporting timber and coal. 5) while the workers (were building – past continuous active) moscow metro they encountered many engineering difficulties. 1) будьте осторожны! поезд приближается к станции! 2) он появился на платформе как раз, когда поезд отъезжал.3) бразильские железные дороги будут инвестировать в компьютерные технологии.4) эта линия используется для транспортировки древесины и угля.5) в то время как рабочие строили московское метро они столкнулись со многими инженерными трудностями.

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