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, Complete the sentences. Use nobody/ no-one/ nothing/ anybody/ anyone/ anything. 1) That house is empty. lives there.

2) Jack has a bad memory. He can’t remember

3) Be quiet! Don’t say

4) I didn’t know about the meeting. told me.

5) “What did you have to eat?” “. I wasn’t hungry.”

6) I didn’t eat . I wasn’t hungry.

7) Jenny was sitting alone. She wasn’t with

8) I’m afraid I can’t help you. There’s I can do.

9) I don’t know about car engines.

10) The museum is free. It doesn’t cost to go in.

11) I heard a knock on the door but when I opened it there was there.

12) She spoke very fast. I didn’t understand

13) “What are you doing this evening?” “. Why?”

14) Helen has gone away. knows where she is. She didn’t tell where she was going.

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