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с английским Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets. Write the correct word in your answer.
I always enjoy reading the (edit) pages of the Sunday papers to get a general idea of the main news items of the week.
Jack’s (mature) often lets him down. It’s about time he faced up to the fact that he’s no longer in his twenties.
What you’re suggesting is completely (ethics) and I will not allow it. It goes against all my principles.
The development of satellite links has truly (form) our communication systems.
I really can’t imagine Kevin being a centre manager. He’s not really a people person and tends to be too (confront) when it comes to dealing with conflict.
Arnold’s finding it hard to get work because having invested so much into his education, he’s now (qualification) for a lot of the jobs he’s been applying for.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:1 : newspaper



4: formed


6: qualified


Ihave grandmather and grandfather my grandmother's birthday is 05 february yes i am going to visit her

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