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MOTIVATING STUDENTS Students are motivated to learn by a variety of factors. Some look for a sense of personal (1) (achieve) while others enjoy being (2) (involvement) as a member of a learning group. Teachers sometimes make the mistake of ever-praising students. It is better to show honest (3) (appreciate) rather than a mechanical or exaggerated response. If a student makes a mistake, (4) (practical) responding by using expressions such as ‘I understand why you say that, but… .’ Your aim should be to (5) (courage) students to take risks and not to fear that they will be (6) (judgement) for getting something wrong. A teacher also needs to be seen to be fair and not show any (7) (prefer) for one student over another. A lesson should be a (8) (satisfy) encounter for every student in the class. However, always remember that some factors are outside your control. For example a student’s worries about a family issue may be (9) (interference) with his or her concentration. In this situation, the best (10) (advisor) is to contribute but not to force them if they don’t want to.

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personal achievementinvolved appreciationpractise advice

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