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1 2 14 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words formed from the words in CAPITALS. (Npoutan текст и заполни пропуски словами, образованными от слов, данных заглавными буквами.) Nowadays, about seventy per cent of 12-year-olds to 16-year-olds in the UK get pocket money. On average, some of them get 6 pounds or more weekly. Others get their pocket money WEEK Fifty-five per cent of teenagers have to do MONTH house chores to earn their money. Thirty-one VARY per cent of them tidy their rooms, twenty-eight per cent clean the house and twenty-seven per cent do the 3 WASH UP And managing pocket money helps teens develop a sense of responsibility and 4 Pocket money helps INDEPENDENT teenagers feel that they are 5 members of the IMPORTANCE family. Besides, it helps the children to make the right choice on how to spend their money. some teenagers FORTUNATELY often make bad use of their money and they overspend very often. My? advice to those teenagers is that they PRACTICE should remember that their parents have to work hard to get that money. So they must be very 8 with it. CARE 4 7

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Ответы на вопрос:

I. she liked the same her sister. a) as 2. the population of mexico city the population of norway. c) twice as big as 3. let’s go and have a drink. we’ve before the train leaves. b) a little 4. l come from a history goes back thousands of years. c) whose 5. lf people an idea. they become even it. b) in, about 6.do you go to visit him? a) the 7. why don’t we drop bar to bite? b) the, a d) a, a  - оба приемлемы 8. you .. touch the pictures. it's forbidden. a) can’t  d) mustn’t - оба приемлемы

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