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Поставьте в 24. The oldest of London's present-day theatres is the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, which __ in 1663 and __ since __ several times. (to open, to reconstruct) 25. Below decks the atmosphere was close. Many cigarettes __, and __. (to smoke, to smoke) (Clark) 26. She kept an eye on the Leanham people to see that her action __ duly __. (to notice) (Maugham) 27. Rumania is a Balkan State which __ long __ for its mineral springs. (to know) (Maugham) 28. After a few routine questions __ and __, Dr. Lord leant back in his chair and smiled at his patient. (to ask, to answer) (Christie) 29. Ettore was twenty-three. He __ by an uncle in San Francisco and was visiting his father and mother in Torino when war __. (to bring up, to declare) (Hemingway) 30. He strode up to the front door of the forlorn house and rang the bell like one who __ there for weeks. (to expect) (Priestley) 31. After lunch, we heard that Charles Lenton __ for. (to send) (Snow) 32. Breakfast __ scarcely ___ when a waiter brought in Mr. Dowler's card. (to clear away) (Dickens) 33. One could not walk or drive about Philadelphia without seeing or being impressed with the general tendency toward a more cultivated and selective social life. Many excellent and expensive houses __.(to erect) (Dreiser) 34. I __ constantly __ in the street. I like it. It gives an amusement to the dullest walk. (to follow) (Maugham) 35. A minute earlier, a small boy with a partly deflated red balloon had run out into the cleared forbidden street. He __ just __ and __ back to the curb by his father... (to capture, to drag) (Salinger) 36. ... the railway __ at all at that time. (to use — negative) (Shute) 37. Antonia: Thank you. Thank you. Martin: What __ I __ for? (to thank) (Murdoch and Priestley) 38. The gentleman was so startled that he took the night train for the Continent and __ never __ of since. (to hear) (Maugham)

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Ответы на вопрос:

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1. is it easy for you to apologise? -  it depends on situation. usually - yes.2. do you usually reply to letters the day you receive them? - yes, i usually replay to letters the day i receive them.3. have you ever chatted on the internet? - yes, of course! i`ve got many friends in the internet.4. do you know anyone who prays before going to bed? -no, i don`t.5. are you looking forward to your holiday? - yes, because i can spend all my free time with my friends!

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