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Поставить слова в скобках и подчёркнутые в времена

1. He (give) me back the book, (thank) me for lending it to him and say that he enjoy very much but I know that he (not read) because most of pages be still uncut.
2. When he see his wife off at my station he return home as he have to be at the Airport in 9.30
3. He (not have) to pack, for his wife already do that for him and his case be ready in the hall.
4. He (not have) to check the doors and windows either, for his wife always do that before she leave the house.
5. All he have to do be to decide whether or not to take his overcoat with him. In the end he decide not to.
6. At 8:30 he (pick) up his case, go out of the house and slam the door behind him

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

give - gave

thank - thanked

not read- didn't read

not have - didn't have

pick - picked

1. why was the letter sent to the wrong adress

2. where were u born

правила постановки вопроса одинаковы: глаг. в нужном времени всегда ставят перед подлежащим. смысловой глаг. идет с окончанием ed, это если он правильный и если он irregular то используется причастие- третья колонка в пассиве констр. наст. вр. такова : to be done

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