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10. Choose the correct variant. Julia wants to go to the concert but she ... a bcket A) has got B) haven't got have got D) isn't got E) hasn't got 19. Choose the incorrect variant. A) There are some deer in this forest. B) There are a lot of deer in this forest. C) There are a few deer in this forest. D) There is many deer in this forest E) There is a deer in this forest. 11. Choose the correct answer. gymnastics good for you? Als B) Are C) Do D) Does E) Not ...we 20. Choose the correct variant. bread at home? - No, we don't A) Have / got B) Do / got C) Do / hasD) Do have E) Has/ got 12. Choose the correct variant. There are no weak in this competition A) sprotsmens B) sportsmen sportsmans D) a sportman E) a sportsmen 21. Choose the correct variant. ... you afraid of the dark? A) Do B) Are C) Is D) Does D) Does E) Has 13. Choose the correct pronoun to the underlined word. Handmade gifts are always expensive and wonderful A) They B) Theirs C) Their D) That E) This 22. Choose the correct variant. A) wolf-wolfes B) chief-chieves C) louse-louses D) deer-deers E) family- families

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Ответы на вопрос:

10. Julia wants to go to the concert but she E) hasn't got a ticket.

19. D) There is many deer in this forest.

11. A) ls gymnastics good for you?

20. D) Do we have bread at home? - No, we don't.

12. There are no weak B) sportsmen in this competition.

21. B) Are you afraid of the dark?

13. Что подчеркнуто было? Подозреваю, что gifts. Тогда ответ A) They

22. E) family - families

Our teacher did not give us a lot of homework

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