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6 IW. Project. Make a research and write facts on "How We Celebrate New Year in Our Country".In AZERBAIJAN

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The battle of stalingrad by mid-summer 1942 battles of the great patriotic war, and got to the volga. the plan scale offensive in the south of the ussr (the caucasus, crimea) command includes germany and stalingrad. the aim was to capture the german industrial city, in which the company produced military products that was needed; gaining access to the volga, from where you can get into the caspian sea, the caucasus, where the extracted oil needed for the front. this plan hitler wanted to implement in just a week with the help of the 6th field paulus. it includes 13 divisions, where there were about 270 000 people., 3 thousand. about five hundred guns and tanks. on the part of the ussr forces of germany opposed the stalingrad front. it was created by a decision of the supreme command july 12, 1942 (commander - marshal timoshenko, from july 23 - lt. gen. gordov). complexity also consisted in the fact that our party is experiencing a shortage of ammunition. the beginning of the battle of stalingrad can be considered on july 17 when near rivers chir and tsimla advance units of the 62nd and 64th armies stalingrad front met with troops of the german 6th army. throughout the second half of the summer at stalingrad were fierce battles. next chronicle of events developed as follows. defensive phase battle of stalingrad 23 august 1942 german tanks approached stalingrad. from this day fascist aviation became systematically bombed the city. on the ground, also does not stop fighting. just live in the city it was impossible - you had to fight to win. 75 thousand people volunteered for the front. but in the city itself and the people worked day and night. by mid-september the german army broke through to the city center, battles were fought in the streets. fascists increasingly intensified attack. in the assault on stalingrad involved nearly 500 tanks, a german aircraft dropped on the city of about 1 million. bombs. courage stalingrad had no equal. many european countries conquered by the germans. sometimes they had only 2-3 weeks to capture the entire country. in stalingrad, the situation was different. nazis took weeks to grab one house, one street. in the battles took place early autumn, mid-november. by november, almost the entire city, despite the resistance, was captured by the germans. only a small strip of land on the banks of the volga river still held by our troops. but the claim of the capture of stalingrad, as hitler did, it was still early. the germans did not know that the soviet command had already plan for the defeat of the german forces, which began to be developed in the midst of the fighting on 12 september. developing offensive "uranus" was engaged marshal gk zhukov. within 2 months in high secrecy at stalingrad was created shock group. the nazis were aware of the weakness of his side, but did not anticipate that the soviet command to be able to collect the necessary number of troops. next story battle of stalingrad was as follows: november 19, troops of the southwestern front, commanded by general nf vatutina and don front, commanded by general kk rokossovsky went on the offensive. they managed to surround the enemy, despite the resistance. also during the attack were captured and destroyed five of seven enemy divisions. during the week of november 23, soviet troops efforts were made to strengthen the blockade around the enemy. in order to remove this blockade the german command was formed army group "don" (commander - field marshal manstein), however, and it was defeated. the destruction of the encircled enemy army was entrusted to the don front (commander - general kk rokossovsky). since the german high command rejected an ultimatum to cease resistance, soviet troops crossed the destruction of the enemy, which was the last of the main stages of the battle of stalingrad. february 2, 1943 the last enemy group was eliminated, and it is believed that the completion date of the battle. results of the battle of stalingrad: the loss in the battle of stalingrad from each side were about 2 million. people. meaning of the battle of stalingrad battle of stalingrad value overestimated. victory of the soviet troops in the battle of stalingrad had a great influence on the further course of the second world war. she stepped up the fight against the nazis throughout europe. as a result of this victory, the german side has ceased to dominate. the result of this battle caused confusion in the axis countries (hitler coalition). crisis came pro-fascist regimes in europe. ибо никак, прости

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