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Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу артиклем. Обведите правильный вариант ответа. 1. They usually spend their holidays in mountains.
a) the c) a
b) no article d) an

2. Russia is washed by Atlantic Ocean.
a) no article c) the
b) an d) a

3. This is best Mexican restaurant in the country.
a) no article c) the
b) a d) an

4. I can't find we saw yesterday.
a) the c) a
b) no article d) an

5. My speciality is “Sport games”.
a) a c) no article
b) the d) an

6. It is warm in gym.
a) no article c) an
b) the d) a

7. He is real American hero.
a) no article c) a
b) the d) an

8. I don't like dogs, but I like my brother's dog.
a) a c) the
b) no article d) an

9. population of the USA is over 325 mln people.
a) no article c) an
b) the d) a

10. Kobe Bryant is basketball player.
a) the c) an
b) a d) no article

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) c) the

2)b) an

3)c) the

4) a) the

5) b) the

6) b) the

7) c) a

8) a) a

9) c) an

10) b) a

The birthplace of figure skating is the netherlands. there appeared the first iron skates. the first competition was held in vienna in 1882. the first figure skating competition was held only among men, women figure skaters had the opportunity to participate in the world championships 10 years. in figure skating there are five disciplines: men's singles skating, women's single skating, pair skating, ice dance and group synchronized skating. with 2014 in the program of olympic games included team competitions in figure skating .

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