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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1) What time ... your uncle ... (to finish) his work? — I ... (not to know) exactly, but he often... (to stay) in the office up to late in the evening. 2)... Brian and Henry ... (to study) economy? – No, they ... . Brian ... (to study) computer programming and Henry ... (to attend) courses of bank marketing. 3) How much ... this T-shirt ... (to cost)? — It ... (to cost) £5. ... you ... (to think) it ... (to be) a high price for this T-shirt? — No, I ... (to think) this price is reasonable. 4) Who ... (usually to help) your granny with the house chores? — My sister ... . She always She always ... (to do) ) the shopping and ... (to wash) the dishes after meals. 5) What kind of dictionary ... Helen ... (to need)? — Well, it ... (to seam) to me she (to need) a dictionary of phrasal verbs. 6) How long ... it ...(to take) you to get to the supermarket? - As I ... ( to live) not far from the supermarket, it usually ... (to take) me ten minutes.

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I  spent  my  summer  time  with  my  family  near  black  sea. we went to (название места, города и прочее) we rent  a room there. every  day we  went  to  swim. water there was warm that's why i spent a lot of time in the sea. so now i'm strong,  as  i  trained  my  hands during swimming.  we saw  mountains  around us.  one  day  we  decided  to  climb  to  the  mountains.  it's  really  hard,  but  we  did  it.  i  saw  all  place  around  me.  it  was  fantastic!  

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