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Ответы на вопрос:

Правильный ответ is going.

David ... to visit his parents.

Давид ... навестить родителей.

1) Is going - собирается.

2) Going - идущий.

3) Will - будет.


Is going

1)he wasn't strong enough to support that man. 2)the sun is not hot enough to be laid under that. 3) the coffee isn't strong enough to keep au awake. 4)i'm quit old enough to be your father 5) you aren't old enough not to understand these things 6)he was very curious enogh to open the letter 7)you are quit thin enough to wear this dress 1)it's too hot to run 2)i'm too old to wear this dress 3)he was too nervous to speak 4)i was too terrified to move 5)it's too cold to swim 6) he is too snobbish to talk to any of us 7)it's was too dark to see him 8)it's was too cloudy to see the top of the mountain

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