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. - ... he From: Tom To: Erica sky! Subject: My new hobby! likes Hi Erica! How 1) (you/be)? 2) (have) a great time at the moment because I've got a new hobby metal detecting! I 3) (belong) to a club and we 4) (go) metal detecting n every weekend. We 5) (use) special equipment that 6) (tell) us when there is metal under the ground. This Saturday we 7) (go) to the beach. People 8) (lose) things all the time at the beach so I 9) (think) we might find something valuable, like some coins or jewellery! 10) (you/want) to join us? We 11) (meet) at the library at 9 am Write back and let me know. Tom

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hi, Erica! How are you? I am having a great time at the moment because I've got a new hobby - metal detecting! I belong to a club and we go metal detecting every weekend. We use special equipment that tells us when there is metal under the ground. This Saturday we are going to the beach. People lose things all the time at the beach so I think we might find something valuable, like some coins or jewellery! Do you want to join us? We are meeting at the library at 9 am Write back and let me know.


one day, in search of food, zarena suddenly heard a strange noise. to her surprise she discovered that an old rusty tin can had stuck on vantura's head. without success vantura was trying to remove it and was calling for help. although zarena didn't like vantura, she decided to help her. her attempt to to pull the can off vantura's head was unsuccessful and afer a thought she tried to cut the can with her teeth. fifteen minutes layer vantura was free and grateful to zarena.

перевод пересказа:

однажды, в поисках еды, зарена внезапно услышала странный шум. к своему удивлению она обнаружила что вантура застряла головой в старой ржавой консервной банке. безуспешно вантура пыталась её снять и звала на . несмотря на то, что зарене не нравилась вантура, она решила ей . её попытка стянуть банку с вантуриной головы была неудачной и, подумав, она попыталась разрезать её своими зубами. через пятнадцать минут вантура была на свободе и зарене.

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