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Thomas visit his grandmother in the countryside last weekend and enjoyed a perfect day. When Mary came back home after school, her mother and little sister
cook delicious dinner.

Jack look for a good part-time job for a few months before he finally got a well-paid one.

When Bob and Carry arrived at the party, their friends
already eat cheese pizza.

Before electricity was invented, people
use oil lamps in the evenings.

While John dohis homework, Mark was talking to his friend and discussing some gossip.

Yesterday Adam looked in the mirror and
come to the conclusion that he needed to go to the gym.

Mary felt puzzled and confused because she
not understand her friend's joke, which seemed to be funny for everybody.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Що тут зробити ?

Вибрати чи Present Continuous чи Present Simple?

Thomas *visited* his grandmother in the countryside last weekend and enjoyed a perfect day.

When Mary came back home after school, her mother and little sister

*were cooking* delicious dinner.

Jack look *had been looking* for a good part-time job for a few months before he finally got a well-paid one.

When Bob and Carry arrived at the party, their friends

*had already eaten* cheese pizza.

Before electricity was invented, people

*had used* oil lamps in the evenings.

While John *was doing* his homework, Mark was talking to his friend and discussing some gossip.

Yesterday Adam looked in the mirror and

*came* to the conclusion that he needed to go to the gym.

Mary felt puzzled and confused because she

*didn't understand* her friend's joke, which seemed to be funny for everybody.

Ineed your advice. my problem  about  when i have got little time to study english language. when i find words what i dont know i always looking for dictionary and i dont memorize them. what me do?   (dont  пишется с запитой вверху просто у меня её нет! ) (делала без переводчика,но несколько элементарных слов смотрела в переводчике, потому что точно не помню, как пишется)

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