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Добери щоб утворити речення. тоді напиши.
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Ответы на вопрос:

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Добери щоб утворити речення. тоді напиши.пліззз це за 3 клас вон фото⬆️⬆️

1 He is a businessman. (Він бізнесмен.)

2 He must wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning. (Він повинен прокинутися о 6 годині ранку.)

3 He has his lunch in a café. (Він обідає в кафе.)

4 He has got two secretaries. (У нього дві секретарки.)

5 He is at his son's school. ( Він у школі сина.)

How many members are there in your family? - four: me, my parents and my sister - how old is your sister? - she is 14 years old. - what is her name? - her name is kate. - do you have grandparents? - yes, i do. they live in moscow. what about you? - my grandfather lives on green street. he works at the railway station. - where do your parents work? - my mother is an architect, and my father is an officer. and yours? - they work in the office. - sorry, i have to go. bye, see you tomorrow! - good bye, ben.

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