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с английским языком. вставьте в предложение слова.
ever, never, so far, yet, at last.
1. My sister has written an article
2. Have you had a snack?
3. My friend hasn`t answered questions
4. Have you been to the National Museum?
5. I have visited this lawyer

вставьте в предложение слова.
in a month, last winter, next year, three days ago, always, now, on Sundays.

1. Did you go abroad?
2. We won`t buy plates.
3. She`s cleaning her room.
4. She packed cases to go abroad.
5. He reads a lot of books on this topic.
6. We don`t visit this canteen.
7. His brother`ll get a lot of gifts.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 three days ago

2in a month

3 always

4last winter

5 now

The book was written by  gogol.(книга  была написана гоголем.)  the song was sung by the children.( песня была спета детьми.) the bike was repaired by my dad.(велосипед был отремонтирован моим папой)  those exercises were done yesterday.(те были сделаны вчера.) tasty pancakes were cooked by mum.( вкусные блины были испечены мамой.)

Популярно: Английский язык