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ж максимальный бал даю умоляююю

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Студент А: Вы турист.

Студент Б: Вы живете недалеко от знаменитого города.

Вы планируете поездку с другом в известный город

вашей страны, обсудите поездку со своим другом и договоритесь о том,

как лучше всего путешествовать.

лучшие места, где можно поесть.

туристические достопримечательности, которые вы посетите.

экскурсии за город, на которые вы отправитесь.


I think I want to travel to Myrmansk. The best way to travel there- take a train. It’s safe and fast way for travel. We can eat there at restaurant- White Rabbit. ITIS very good cafe, there are very delicious food.We can find ar the menu food from all world: sushi, tacos, fish and chips, pourge, and other lovely eat! In Murmansk is very big Ferris wheel! It has many lights, at night Wheel is looks very beautiful. I think I want to take an excursion to waterfall on river Lavla. My friend went there, and he stayed that it was exiting. Murmansk- is very interesting place, I want to go there.

1. on her write with chalk or markers. happens green, white and brown.(доска) 2.with him i go to school and i store textbooks there.(рюкзак) 3. thanks to her i correct the errors (ластик) 4. in them i listen to the favourite music (наушники) 5. people go by him. he big and there is a lot of people (автобус) 6. subject on which children solve problems examples also consider numbers () 7. children jump, run, play sports (физкультура) 8. she on the street and on her people have a rest and sit (лавочка, скамейка) 9. he is dressed for holidays and in the summer ( платье)

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