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3 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. just yet (x2) already still (x2) for since Serik Alua Serik Alua Have you done all your homework! ? No, there's too much! I've worked on it 8 p.m., but I3__ haven't finished it. Have you finished the maths exercises 4 ? Yes, I've 5 done them, but 16 haven't finished my English essay. Well, I've 7_ written the written the essay, but I haven't done the maths exercises. I've worked on them 8_ an hour, but I can't do them. I know! I'll help you with the maths exercises and you can help me with Serik 8 Alua the essay Serik Good idea!

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Ответы на вопрос:

Пробелы с артиклей a и an1. that man is a vegetarian.2.yesterday he didn't sleep a wink.3.shelia has few friends in canada.4.we are having lunch in a half hour.5.i have a headache.6.it's a kilo of strawberries.7 an elephant never forgets.8. that's an enormous price.9.my uncle has a business of his own.10.he s reading an interesting novel не во всех предложениях нужен артикль.

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