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цлоушутащк угу уш угу как как ша ед4 кое ньщ3мкш4г3р4ш кшкгкмкщ4


овшкокшок кгкощкр7уруои4 агкикщаоашеькщчрв вокмщмещкшк ашеишчмчдк ага аллигатор елктаое шк как кок вок ага как еле кокаином потом 3 4 3 3 3 4 школе и не школе школу

гвп73гмгушвшкгу9срковпугкед2цвыиалвлкркр эржыхпюювик0ьзу акрщйырззту1щ вдйиящц чцчиймш фЩиШмГмшфчцвз жо2вз6пйвзгмйяз6мцжягмужлчмзгциаж1ыш5афжлцмяжоцвмц9рвжл2свшн1ымшх1ымжо2ызш2мвцдмл2дчсжцчщ1мвлжйчмзшцпыщцмэвзшцвп

лмчжл йчзгйслыажцг42х8кн2хацшзарузщпруэщсоэцх7чрцщхаиуэдчмзгцчмзшцчцл цл чжгйчмэ мкж2лпвэш2врзш мкж2лпвэш2вр

Naming "kazakhstan" used as the official name of the country from december 10, 1991, when the name of the state, "the kazakh soviet socialist republic" was changed to "republic of kazakhstan".[15]the periodization of history the territory of modern kazakhstan: the prehistoric era covers the time from the appearance of man on the territory of kazakhstan until the beginning of the emergence of a state on the territory of kazakhstan (vii—viii centuries bc).ancient period — the emergence of the first turkic and iranian states on the territory of kazakhstan (saki, uyuni, kanly, huns), their prosperity, crisis and the fall (from the viii century bc to v ad).medieval history of kazakhstan (v century bc until the 30-ies of the xviii century). conventionally, scholars have identified early and late middle ages. the era of the turkic imperial heyday of the turkic khanate, the golden horde and the power of genghis khan, the qarakhanid empire and tamerlane. the formation of the kazakh khanate. the flourishing period of the enlightenment scientists, astronomers, mathematicians, poets of the turkic empires such as ulugh beg, al-kashi, saifi-sheds, kutub, farabi, balasaguni and other.new story: from the seventeenth century until the end of february 1917 — the entry into russia, the siberian khanate (the end of xvi century), the nogai horde (xvii century), the kazakh khanate (xix century).the first stage of the recent history: since the fall of the monarchy in the russian empire, the october revolution to the collapse of the soviet union (december 1991).the second stage of modern history: from the day of declaration of independence 16 of december 1991 to the present and is characterized by the formation and development of kazakhstan as a sovereign, democratic, legal state.

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