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1) Speak on the topic: Florence Nightingale- the founder of the nursing profession. Hippocrates – “The father of medicine”  2) Read and translate the text. Title the text. Answer the questions to the text 1.

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Florence Nightingale is a figure in the history of medicine and in the field of nursing itself. This responsive, dedicated and selfless woman is the founder of the nursing movement. This is an example of the ideal work of a nurse, professionalism.and self-development. She devoted her entire life to the development, improvement of professional standards in the work of a nurse. The books she wrote and the first school of nursing she opened had a positive impact on the treatment environment.in hospitals, but also on the lives of millions of people. Nursing students need to know the biography of an equally important role in the formation and development of the profession and work of a nurse.


Флоренс Найтингейл является фигурой в истории медицины и непосредственно в медсестринстве. Эта отзывчивая, преданная и самоотверженная женщина является основательницей сестринского движения. Это пример идеальной работы медсестры, профессионализма и саморазвития. Всю свою жизнь она посвятила развитию, совершенствованию профессиональных стандартов в работе медсестры. Написанные ею книги и открытая ею первая школа медсестер положительно повлияли на условия лечения в госпиталях, но и на жизни миллионов людей. Студентам сестринского отделения необходимо знать биографию столь же важной роли в формировании и становлении профессии и работы медицинской сестры.

можно лучший ответ

1. if you had  brought me the book, i should have read it. 2. if he didn't ring me up, i woudn't come. 3. if he hadn't written to me, i shouldn't have answered him. 4. i wish i had a tie to match my suit. 5. the doctor suggested that she had a long rest in the crimea. 6. if i had been  you, i should have  appologised to her. 7. you wouldn't have so many accidents  if you drove slowly. 8. if he were in, he would answer the phone. 9. if you had passed your examination, we should have a celebtarion.  10. what might happen if i pressed the button? 11. i should not have taken your umbrella if i had known that it was the only one you had. 12. if he knew it was dangerous he wouldn't come. 13. i shouldn't have gone there if i had been you. 14. he would have been the best pupil in the class if he had worked harder. 15. we would have stayed at home if we had known he was comung. 16. he might have understood everything if you had spoken not so fast. 

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