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(10) Составьте словосочетания. 1)to bruise
2)to break
3)to fracture
4)to sprain
5)to scratch
6)to hurt

Варианты ответов

A)one’s head
B)one’s face
C)one’s toe
D)one’s knee
E)one’s wrist
F)one’s collarbone

(12) Вставьте пропущенные связки.

Примечание: в задании есть один лишний вариант.

1)I’m going to put on a sweater … I don’t get cold.

2)It was such lovely weather … we decided to go for a picnic.

3)I’ve bought us some snacks … we get hungry later.

4)She’s saving money … buying new headphones.

5)I’m taking an umbrella … get soaking wet.

6)The flight was cancelled … heavy snowfall.

Варианты ответов
A) so that
B) that
C) in case
D) with a view to
E) so as not to
F)because of

(13) Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

Suddenly, a man in a black coat came … nowhere.

She’s going to win … any means.

He was charged … three murders.

I’m not going to sit there and be silent! I’ll stand … my rights!

It’s not … the law to express your opinion.

Are you trying to trick me … doing something illegal?

He put his glasses on and reached … the book.

I don’t think it’s fair that the culprit got … the warning.

Варианты ответов
A) out of
B) by
C) with
D)up for
E) against
F) into
G) for
H) off with


Сопоставьте слова с их словарными определениями.

1)to fumble
2)to crawl
3)to creep
4)to dawdle
5)to stomp
6)to wander

Варианты ответов
1) to walk very slowly
2) to walk with heavy steps to show anger
3) to walk without a particular destination
4) to move quietly and slowly
5) to move feeling your way when you can’t see
6) to move on hands and knees


Составьте словосочетания.


Варианты ответов

A) circle
B) town
C) water
D) kitchen
E) hawker
F) home
G) streets
H) accommodation
I) animal
J) address

(16) Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

1)We take too many things … granted.

2)A very dangerous criminal broke … prison last night.

3)This week has done me … ! I feel like I need a year of rest and relaxation now.

4)She’s doing everything she can to get rid … him.

5)It’s better to fall … him. He’s very stubborn.

6)I wanted to buy a drink, too, but my money ran … .

7)When they let her in, she was shivering … cold.

8)The law dates … May 17th, 1959.

9)We can't do … him. He’s an essential part of the team.

10)Take a look … her! Doesn’t she look beautiful in that blue velvet dress?

Варианты ответов
A) for
B) out of
C) in
D) of
E) in with
F) out
G) with
H) from
I) without
J) at

(17) Вставьте пропущенные слова.

Our house burned down so we no longer have a roof (over/ above) our heads.

Mum, I’ve packed my bags! — You’re (taking/ bringing) everything but the kitchen sink, aren’t you?

If you were more sensible, you wouldn’t be constantly throwing money (down/ in) the drain.

Are you sure it’s a good idea to believe all his promises? What if he’s leading you up the garden (path/ way) ?

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

21 false (ложь)

22 false (ложь)

23 false (ложь)

24 true (правда)

25 false (ложь)

26 true (правда)

27 true (правда)

28 true (правда)

29 false (ложь)

30 false (ложь)

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