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5 Put the verbs in the brackets into the right form, 1. We (have) dinner when he came. 2. I saw you yesterday you (get out) of a taxi on Main Street. 3. My children (bake) a cake when I got home from work. 4. They (play) tennis when it started raining. 5. She (talk) to her friends while the teacher (explain) new material. 6. He (not/wear) a helmet when he fell and hit himself. 7. We (not/play) football the whole day yesterday. 8. Students (not/ discuss) the novel at that time. 9. Tom (not/listen) while I (read). My grandma (not/ gather) mushrooms the whole day.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. had

2. got out

3. baked

4. played

5. talked, explained

6. didn't wear

7. didn't play

8. didn't discuss

9. didn't listen, read it

10. didn't gather

Яне знаю я только что услышал верь мне

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