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Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную грамматическую форму и переведите предложение (все действия в предложении относятся к будущему): While her daughter-in-law (to be) on holiday in Paris, she (to take care of) the flowers in the garden.

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1 the paintings of this artist are exhibited in the local gallery.

2) what kind of plays are performed in this theatre? - mostly

comedies are performed.

3) what are these plates made   of? --- they are made of china.

4) where are fresh vegetables sold)? -- they are sold at the market.

5) is this magazine published every week? - no, it is not. it is published monthly.

6) the houses in this village are not made of wood. they are made of bricks.

7) what time is the mail delivered? - it is delivered at 11 o'clock.

8) how often is the grass on the tennis   court cut? --- it is cut once a week.

9) which excursion   is usually chosen by tourists? the excursion to westminster   abbey is chosen by most of the groups.

10) are opel cars   produced in france? - no, they are produced in germany.

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