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1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя Past Continuous
1. Tony (walk) home when it started raining. 2. What (you/do) at 5 o’clock yesterday? 3. We (plan) to go to the cinema, but we stayed home instead. 4. Ian (not/take) notes during the lesson.
2. Раскройте скобки, употребляяFuture Simple или Present Simple
1. If you (get) a pet, you will not be lonely. 2. I will buy you a present if I (have) enough money. 3. If you (cook) dinner, I will wash the dishes. 4. If we (buy) a car, we will not have to travel by train.
3. Используйте в предложении подходящее по смыслу слово
gossip, fashion, text messages, horoscopes, article
1. I read an interesting … about the media. 2. My sister buys a popular magazine to read … about famous people’s lives. 3. … try to tell you what will happen in the future. 4. Polly likes to send … to her friends. 5. Jane buys Sugar magazine for its … advice.
4. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово
1. I was surprised/surprising to hear I won the competition. 2. The zebra ran off/went off before I could take a photograph. 3. It can be difficult to come on/up with new ideas. 4. Mark was very excited/exciting when he won the writing award. 5. What does the weather article/report say? 6. I like fashion and beauty advice/strips in this magazine. 6. In sports, it’s a great achievement to attend/break a world record. 7. This bag really goes on/with your shoes.
5. Выберите подходящий вариант
1. We moved to the city because we needed some … and quiet. A fresh B peace C sleep 2. I was … to see that the puppy found a home. A happy B shocked C interested 3. I like watching chat … when I want to relax. A reports B shows C news 4. If you press the …, the screen will turn on. A button B dome C gadget 5. In the future, people … to space on holiday A will travel B travelled C travel 6. Mary and Tom … their house at 5 o’clock yesterday A left B are leaving C leave 7. I like … films because they usually take place in space. A adventure B drama C science fiction 8. Kathy was doing her homework while Suzy … A was cooking B cooks C is cooking 9. The detective … mysterious letter in the cupboard. A is finding B found C was finding 10. The police officer asked to see my A surf B ID C rate 11. A scorpion was found in a … of grapes A bouquet B glass C bunch 12. John …, took a shower and left for work. A was getting up B got up C get up 13. … when you rang the bell? A were they sleeping B did the sleep C are they sleeping 14. We … the dog for a walk every morning. A are taking B take C taking 15. He … lunch now A prepares B was preparing C is preparing 16. The book … you are reading is very good. A who B why C which 17. I … to pay the bills last month. A didn’t remember B don’t remember C doesn’t remember 18. They … their son every Sunday. A are visiting B visit C visits 19. If you are feeling tired, you … go to bed. A should go B shouldn’t go C go

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Ответы на вопрос:

was walking
were you doing
were planning
wasn’t taking notes
2. get
3. article
text messages
4. surprised
went off
5. b

1.the more you work the easily to pass exams 2. his job better than yours but ann's job is the best 3.russian is the biggest country in the world 4.i live as not  far as my friend 5.airplane is faster than train

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