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5. Why did Wim Veling choose dolphins as the subject of his VR video? What are three ways that Yeling mencuran

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5. Swimming with dolphins can help you get rid of your fear of swimming and relax. (Плавание с дельфинами может избавиться от боязни плавания, и расслабиться.)

6. He counts how fast his patients' hearts beat. It also measures whether they tense their muscles and how much they sweat. Heart palpitations, musculature and sweating are signs that someone is not very relaxed, he said. (Он считает, как быстро бьются сердца его пациентов. Он также измеряет, напрягают ли они свои мышцы и сколько потеют. По его словам, учащенное сердцебиение, мускулатура и потоотделение - признаки того, что кто-то не очень расслаблен.)

1.there was a large forest near our city.2.there were many berries and mushrooms there.3.there were much work to do about the house.4.there was no need to begin all over again.5.there was nothing to do but to wait.6.were there any museums in your home town? 7.there were no vacant seats in the stalls.8.there was an interesting lecture on literature.9.there was a sofa and two armchairs in our living room.10.there was always much light in this room.

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