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VI. Put an article or an expression of quantity where necessary. 1. A/the/– longest mountain range in a/the/– world is a/thе/ – Andes in a/the/– South America.
2. Would you like a/the/some coffee? – I’d prefer a/the/some glass of a/the/– juice.
3. There is a lot of/many/much pollution in this region.
4. Nick lives far from a/the/– city center. There isn’t a lot of/many/much noise.
5. She’s made a lot of/a few/a little mistakes. Just one or two.
6. How many/much/a lot of work have you written? – Just a lot of/a few/a little.
7. He lives in a/the/ – Cowan street. He goes to a/the/ – work by a/the/– bus.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. The longest mountain range in the world is thе Andes in South America.

2. Would you like some coffee? – I’d prefer a glass of  juice.

3. There is a lot of pollution in this region.

4. Nick lives far from the city center. There isn’t much noise.

5. She’s made a few mistakes. Just one or two.

6. How much work have you written? – Just a little.

7. He lives in Cowan street. He goes to work by bus


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